Lymphatic detox

phase 2

Wellness challenge


The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, nodes, organs and glands that help rid the body of toxins. The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system.

It's the super highway of your immune system. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body, and also to remove toxins and waste.

Drinking good quality water and making sure you stay well hydrated is important for good lymph flow, as well as breathing deeply.

This week we are going to stimulate the lymphatic system by:

  1. deep breathing

  2. massage and dry skin brushing

  3. hot & cold therapy

Having a sauna or steam is amazing for detoxing and releasing toxins and heavy metals that are stored in fat cells. During weight-loss these toxins can be released back into the bloodstream, so it’s important to combine a weight-loss program with detoxing.

This week try to implement at least one of the methods outlined above. As access to a sauna or steam room might not be possible, hot and cold therapy can be done in the shower. Start slowly with cold water showering and build up over time. Cold showering is much easier and more enjoyable when combined with a sauna session, so if you can do this I highly recommend it! If cold water feels too chilling and difficult for you, wait till you are further into your wellness recovery to implement. You may require more warmth in your body for healing to take place. We want to work with the body not against it.

If you are interested in the science of cold exposure and breathing techniques on the body, Wim Hoff has conducted multiple studies over the years. You can read them on the link below.

Wim Hoff Experiments

You might also want to consider also visiting a Tui Na therapist, Acupuncturist or Shiatsu massage therapist to help get your body energy flowing again. Lymphatic problems are a stagnation of body fluids so we need to do everything we can to get them flowing again.

Meal plan and shopping.


I have given options for three meals a day still and snacks, but you may find that in ketosis you are less hungry so feel free to skip a meal out if it's all too much or replace any meal with a cup of bone broth.

The most important thing is to listen to your body.

If you are hungry then please eat. If you don’t feel hungry then fast.

We are not starving this condition out, but working with the body to restrict the foods that have created the problem in the first place so it can rebalance.

Day 22


The lymphatics rid the body of toxins. One of the things we can do to help it is to reduce the number of toxins we come in contact with each day.

Many of the products we use each day may be more harmful than we realise. Have a look at the products you use everyday on your skin and in your mouth and inspect the ingredients list. Consider what you use to clean your house and your clothes as well.

You might want to consider using more natural alternatives. I have created a list of natural oral care ingredients you might want to look into and a recipe for an easy home-made coffee body scrub.

For self massage extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil is great. Or find a natural massage oil that includes essential oils. Ginger oil is particularly good for warming and stimulating lymph flow. I don’t use essential oils every single day as you should be mindful of their potency (alway use with a base oil or a ready mixed massage oil). Most days I just use coconut oil. Also never use citrus oils before exposing your skin to the sun as they are phototoxic.

When massaging your skin, notice any sensitive areas and gently press into them moving along the skin towards the heart.

Day 23


They say the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, but I believe it does - the lungs! The lymphatic system is stimulated by deep breathing and movement.

Become more aware of how you breathe during the day. Is your breathing deep and relaxed, or shallow and tense? When we are breathing in a shallow way we are less able to deal with stressful situations as we are more likely to be in a fight or flight state (sympathetic nervous system). This affects how our body functions as it is preparing for danger, and normal biological functions such as digestion are affected. Deep breathing switches the nervous system state to parasympathetic (rest and digest). Our bodies are able to function properly in a parasympathetic state and deep breathing also oxygenates our blood, energising our cells.

If you catch yourself shallow breathing during the day, take a few deep breaths.

You can greatly improve lymphatic flow by setting aside 5-10 mins each day to do some deep breathing exercises. Do these in a relaxing space, either sitting or lying down.

4-7-8 Breathing

Breathe in slowly through your nose for the count of 4. Fill your abdomen as well as your chest.

Hold the breath for 7 seconds, then slowly breath out through your mouth for the count of 8.

I’ve pasted a link below to a pranayana practice by Allie the journey junkie you can use or feel free to find another pranayama video on youtube you like.

Day 24


Skin brushing and massage have an amazing effect on both lymphatic flow and the nervous system. It also exfoliates the skin, removes dead skin cells and stimulates better circulation and oxygenation of cells. It's good to do this before your shower.

Start at the collar bones as this is the end of the lymph circulation. Clearing the exit channel will allow the rest of the lymph to flow out. Use your fingers to gently pump and press the skin below your clavicle and then dry brush with gentle stokes towards the heart. Work the neck area next, then the shoulders and arms. If you have arm swelling you want to move the fluid gently out of the arm towards the heart. Next work the torso, gentle movements upwards. Then the buttocks and thighs, behind the knees, the calves and ankle area.

You can also use a brush with wooden nodules on it in the shower to massage and recondition your fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue in your body that holds everything together. When your fascia is out of condition it can cause lymphatic stagnation, reduced flexibility and cellulite. Stretching and pressing the fascia can help to improve the condition of your fascia and improve lymphatic flow. Do this when your body is warm - be warned it can cause bruising.

After your hot and cold shower, moisturise and massage your skin with coconut oil, or massage oil with essential oils. Why not make every day a spa day!

Day 25


The lymphatic system requires us to move our bodies and our muscles to efficiently pump lymph fluid around the body and particularly upwards, against gravity.

Simply walking is great for lymphatic flow. Cycling, swimming and rebounding are even better as well as stretching, yoga and resistance exercises. Moving your body in anyway is a good thing for lymph flow. Doing household cleaning also counts.

If you love swimming be mindful of chlorinated swimming pools, as chlorine can have a negative affect on thyroid function. This can also be a factor when drinking tap water.

Sitting for too long is devastating for the lymphatic system.

Day 26


Traditional Chinese medicine is about harmony of fluids and energy flow within the body. Energy flows around the body in channels called meridians. Acupressure points along these meridian channels can stimulate the lymphatic system and rebalance areas of the body that are in a state of disharmony.

You can massage neurolymphatic reflex points to help free up trapped energy which has become blocked on the energy meridian. You can identify them yourself as they will feel tender when when pressed, like a sore muscle. Body fluids can become stagnant creating edema and also emotional issues.

The channels of specific importance for edema are the stomach and spleen meridians. Interestingly these meridian are associated with the emotions of worry and anxiety.

I highly recommend visiting a Tui Na therapist or shiatsu massage therapist to see how rebalancing your bodies energy meridians can help you heal.

Day 27


Scientists have found evidence that elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to function better. The immune system might be temporarily enhanced functionally when our temperatures rise, which is how your body naturally fights infections - by creating a fever.

A sauna session actually creates the same biological response as a fever and moderate exercise. Your blood pressure rises, as well as your heart rate, improving blood flow and circulation and you sweat. Cold water swimming also has a similar effect on your body. Combining both hot and cold therapy up-regulates your immune system, circulatory system and lymphatic system.

Keep well hydrated, as with more sauna use you will need to be replenishing water and electrolytes more frequently.

Day 28


Cold exposure stimulates the body to produce more brown fat. Brown fat is active fat that keeps your internal organs warm in cold conditions. Having more brown fat is better for your general health as it increases your metabolism and creates heat without shivering. This process is called thermogenesis.

Exposing your body to cold frequently can help turn white adipose tissue into brown mitochondrial rich tissue, making you healthier and more resilient.

Physical resilience also affects your mental state, relieving anxiety and depression.

Time to measure and see how things have gone this week.


Week 3


Week 5