Courgette pappardelle with bolognese

Serves - 6

It’s great to make up a batch of bolognese, then portion it up and freeze some for speedy last minute dinners.

Then all you need to pick up is a courgette.

Nutrition per serving

Fat: 35 g

Carbs: 20 g / Fiber: 6 g (Net Carbs: 14 g)

Protein: 24 g



  • 500g minced beef

  • 1 T coconut oil

  • 1 large onion (chopped)

  • 1 stick celery (chopped)

  • 60 g mushrooms (chopped)

  • 1 red pepper (chopped)

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • fresh or dried oregano

  • 400g tinned chopped tomatoes

  • 200ml water

  • 1 T tomato puree

  • 1 T green pesto

  • 6 courgettes (200g per portion)

  • drizzle of olive oil

  • salt & pepper


  1. In a large pan, sweat chopped onion and celery till coloured.

  2. Add mushrooms, cook for 10 mins, then add courgettes and peppers and cook for a further 10 mins.

  3. Add beef mince, garlic and cook till browned.

  4. Add tinned tomatoes, water, puree, pesto, and picked oregano leaves and simmer for 30 mins.

  5. Wash and create courgette pappardelle using a vegetable peeler.

  6. Serve bolognese with courgette spirals drizzled in olive oil, salt and pepper.


Lamb burger with tabbouleh salad


Bacon, eggs, avocado and seeds